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Ilyang Organic Lemon Juice 100% NFC Not From Concentrate Health

Ilyang Organic Lemon Juice 100% NFC Not From Concentrate Health

Regular price $27.80
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One single packet contains an entire lemon

providing a fresh start to your day with 100% NFC organic lemon juice.

Our Organic Lemon Juice NFC is a convenient and healthy option for lemon juice enthusiasts.

Made from 100% raw lemon

it provides a natural source of relief for fatigue without any pesticides. 

Plus, you won't have to deal with the hassle of juicing the lemons yourself and ending up with wasted pulp.

Keep your daily life easy with our organic lemon juice.

This organic lemon is made from the skin, flesh, and seeds, and conveniently packaged in one bag of sticks.

In every package

there is a sum of fourteen organic lemons included.

What is NFC juice?

This organic lemon juice is made from fresh, squeezed fruit without any artificial additives or preservatives.

The juice is not from concentrate, meaning it retains the natural taste and aroma of lemon.

Only natural ingredients are used in this product

ensuring that no additives such as sweeteners, colorants, or synthetic fragrances are included.

This product is made without any synthetic preservatives, and follows strict guidelines that forbid even a fraction of a percentage of food additives to be added.

Raw material name and content

Organic NFC lemon juice 100% (Spain / Lemon 100%)


20g x 15 Pouches

How to consume

1 time a day, 1 bag each time.

Storage Method

Store at cool room temperature away from moisture and direct sunlight.

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