Son and Park Beauty Gel 330ml
Son and Park Beauty Gel 330ml
Capacity: 330ml [1 Bottle] This citrus-scented moisturizer contains hydrolyzed collagen, oxygen, and ice water essence capsules that burst upon application, keeping the ingredients fresh until use.These capsules provide moisture and anti-aging benefits. Son & Park Beauty Gel provides a cooling sensation that minimizes pores to provide a poreless effect on the face.Glycolic Acid increases cell turnover rate, which over time reveals youthful, healthy skin. Hydrolyzed collagen assists with improving skin elasticity and firmness.This product contains alcohol as its second ingredient to aid in the quick absorption effect of the moisturizer. Some may be sensitive to alcohol-based products as they can be drying to certain skin types.Take one pump into hands and then burst the essence capsules to release the fresh collagen, oxygen, and ice water ingredients. Gently moisturize face by applying product and working it into the skin by using a patting motion with the fingers. Once the formula absorbs into the skin, you are ready to begin applying your makeup. FeaturesOxygen gel and moisture from rose capsule give natural glow.Giving perfect skin condition before makeup.Give moisture and silkiness for easy makeup application.How to useAfter washing face, pump 1~2 time.Apply gently for capsule to absorb into skin.Made in Korea INGREDIENTS: Oxygen, Rose Flower Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Bergamot Fruit Oil, Olive Oil, Orange Oil